Anatel is requesting as mandatory the identification on the products before the importation

On July 31, 2020 was published the first version resolution, Ato No. 4088 by ANATEL- Brazil which changed the ANATEL homologation process.Then it was amended by Ato No.5701 on July 29, 2021, which postponed the implementation date for importation requirements to 2 years instead of the 1 year previously published. Now, on July 30, 2022, […]
ANATEL extends the exemption period for certificate renewals until October 2022

National Telecommunications Agency ANATEL, during the global pandemic, the renewal policy implemented extended the deadline for renewing certificates without the need for new tests until July 31, 2022. In analyzing the situation, ANATEL decided to extend this deadline to October 31, 2022, publishing in an official note 265/2022/ORCN/SOR Did you have any doubts? Contact your […]
Anatel seizes 5,700 products in Amazon warehouses

Anatel (National Telecommunications Agency) agents seized 5,700 non-approved telecommunications products at Amazon distribution centers in the cities of Betim (MG) and Cajamar (SP). Among the items, most were portable batteries, cell phone chargers and wireless headphones. The inspection was carried out between June 21 and 24, and the estimated value of the products reaches R$ […]
Guidance on extraordinary conditions for Renewal of Certification, remote audits and remote monitoring of laboratory tests.

Considering that the restrictions resulting from the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) and the impacts caused on the activities of the telecommunications industries, laboratories and Designated Certification Bodies – OCD still persist; Anatel hereby renews the following temporary and alternative conditions to OCDs in carrying out its activities to maintain the Certificate of Conformity, in the remote […]
5G: Understand how it works and the new business possibilities

Those who work closely with the technology market have certainly heard about the 5G network, but what does having access to faster mobile internet make possible in terms of business and innovation possibilities? In this post we will address this novelty that promises to innovate telecommunications, bringing more agility and great business opportunities. To learn […]